- Simba wrote:
- Hey
Hey welcome late arrival.
I made this quiestonnare below that many players answered if u go back u can see their answers.
Ice Breaker Questions (just quote me and write your short answers in my quote after the question):
1. What would be your last meal on death row?
2. Stuck on an island & u could only order 1 album & 1 movie to listen/watch for God knows how long you would choose?
3. Which animal would you be for 24 hours? (If u are already a cat, u have to pick something else
4. Without mentioning the city/country what’s the location or scenery of your fondest memory and the action taking place (example: playing in our backyard, barbecue at the park)
5. What’s a cause, charity, vision, project, idea that you are passionate about?
6. When u were young what did u want to be when u grew up? (Regardless if u achieved it or had a change of plans).
7. What is one movie, tv, reality show, or cartoon character that you identify with or feel is most similar to you?
8. U have the ability to be invisible and transport to anywhere on earth, who u eavesdrop on?
9. What is a musical number that you will always love?
10. Cold drinks or hot drinks? And your go to beverage/tea/coffee?
11. Nobody wants neither but would u rather be deaf or blind? & briefly explain why if possible.
12. What is a Disney movie u love? & specify if cartoon or live action.
13. What is a movie or cartoon villain that you have empathy for?
14. Which movie or tv show that doesn’t have a Musical version would you turn into a musical?
15. What is one of your phobias/fears?
16. You have a time machine that can only travel to one year for 1 hour, which year are you going to and why?